Refund & Return Policy

Refund and Return Policy

The provision of goods and services is subject to availability. In cases of unavailability, the provider will refund the client in full within 30 days. Cancellation of orders by the client will attract a 20% charge for administration costs. 

The Provider reserves the right to cancel an order for which payment has already been received.  This may occur if stock is insufficient or the quality of goods ordered does not meet the Provider’s standards.  Should the Provider exercise this right, the User will receive a full refund with no deductions.

Any complaints regarding the standard and quality of the product or products bought by consumers through the e-commerce facility should be directed to the Manager at

Any complaints regarding a purchased product need to be submitted within 5 business days of purchase. If a complaint is made after more than 5 days, no refund will be given.

All returns need to be done within 5 business days. A product can be returned if it is damaged or defective on receipt of the order. Proof of the damage and defect to the actual product, not packaging, will need to be submitted to Once the claim has been dealt with, the user will receive an email with the next steps.

If a product has been returned and has been determined that it has been used and/ or damaged, no refund will be given.

Products can be returned at the customers own expense if the bags are too small or too big. Once bags have been returned, a refund will be given for products purchased provided the product is not used.

No returns on sample bags.

No exchanges will be accepted.

All orders that would like to be returned, that are not defective in any way, can be returned at the customers expense.

All orders that would like to be returned that are not defective can receive a refund for the products ordered. No refunds will include the shipping costs.

Pick-a-Pouch reserves the right to replace a product that is out of stock with another product of the same category.